The Benefits of Learning How to Code

Andrew Lundy
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readAug 22, 2022


Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

The benefits of learning how to code far outweigh the costs it takes to learn how to code. Some people start this process, and in 9 months they land their first developer job. Other people start this process, and it takes them a year of focus and hardcore study to land the job. (Neither path is ‘better’ by the way. Because, in the end, each person learns how to code and starts a new career with that skill set).

When people hear that it might take time to get familiar with programming, they turn away and don’t ever look at the process again. A 6–24 month commitment is just too much work. The reality of a programmer’s life is that once you start the process, it never ends. A programmer is always learning, always improving, and always aiming to provide value. So really, 6 months is just the start.

This post aims to reflect on, and share with you, the benefits I’ve seen from programming in my own life. These are some things that anybody can benefit from by learning how to code, how important they are is subjective to the individual.

Provide for yourself and/or your family.

Whether you’re single or have a family, I think that learning how to code is one of the best ways you can provide financially in the 21st century. Simply by learning how to write code and build projects, you become a person of value in the business world. You’ve equipped yourself to get into a high-paying career that will pay your bills, help you save, and start investing. You don’t have to be a Silicon Valley entrepreneur to make decent money in the tech field.

There is loads of data out there regarding the salary of software developers. I took the starting compensation from Tesla, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft, and the average compensation came out to be $162,906 per year (this is base salary plus stock). If you’re just concerned about the base salary (i.e., the cash you’d be getting paid each year), then you’re looking at $122,224 per year, based on the data of these companies. When searching the internet, the numbers vary; $110k, $93k, $111k, $100k, $120k.

This type of money coming from one source can be immensely valuable to both families and individuals. As a family man or woman, you won’t need to worry about putting food on the table. You’ll be able to give your kids and spouse a comfortable and stress-free (when it comes to paying bills) life. Programming isn’t a quick path to riches. It’s a path that takes hard work and constant learning. It’s a path that takes time and patience, but if done correctly, it can pay back tenfold. When it comes down to it, there’s nothing better than being able to give your family, or yourself, a good life. And learning to code can do just that.

It teaches you how to think logically.

When someone learns how to code, they are forced to think in a logical manner. Though programming is a pretty creative craft, there is no room for emotion when it comes to telling a computer what to do, simply because computers don’t understand emotion. They need exact instructions, so when breaking problems down, how you feel about a solution doesn’t matter.

Logic is a tool that can be used in many aspects of life. This is one reason we are taught math in school. It’s an attempt to use logic in the real world and get kids thinking logically and systematically. Unfortunately, this approach doesn’t work for every student, and they need a more hands-on learning environment compared to more theory-based teaching. This is where programming comes in. Software systems are built on logic. “If this… then that…” It’s a real-world application of logic. Once you begin to think logically because you’ve started programming, you tend to filter many things in life through the same lens.

When your decisions become rooted in logic, they become rooted in truth. Everyday problems become logical puzzles, searching for the best solution. You will begin to think, “what is the most efficient way to do this?” with many things, if not everything.

Without logic, one can’t make rational decisions. Humans are quite emotional, so every bit of logic in a discussion or decision is important as this is what provides the clarity behind the emotions. Programming is a way to enhance your decision-making and problem-solving capabilities both at work and in your personal life.

Not just a 9–5; but a fulfilling craft that you can make a career out of.

This one might be more subjective than the others, but I think it generally applies to software developers. Programming is a craft. It’s something one works at during their lifetime to consistently improve upon and provide value with. It’s not something someone just gets a job doing, and then never builds upon that skill set. Another thing about this craft is that it’s just as creative as it is logical, one of the things I’m personally most grateful for.

When you become a programmer, you become a creator. You can literally build any idea you (or your PM) come up with. This skill set, the ability to create value in the digital world, is immensely sought after by employers. Plus, if you want to ever build your own products, you’re halfway there since you know how to code.

Where programming can begin to feel just like a job is when you’re working in an environment that you’re not such a big fan of. This can be the actual culture of the company or your specific team. If you’re going to be a programmer, you need to ensure that you are looking out for your career. If you’re in an environment where you can’t grow, or if the team is toxic — get out. Take the skill set that you’ve worked so hard to build, and go work on something else. A toxic, or dead-end, environment is no place to be for a creator.

In the end, your programming career is what you make of it. Whether you want to work for FAANG forever, join a few startups over the next decade, or build your own products — the opportunities are there. It’s just about having self-awareness and optimism about the choices you make. Whatever you make of it, it certainly is not your typical “9–5.”


If any of these three benefits sound like they are something you can use in your life — I encourage you to at least try programming. It may not be for you; you might just not enjoy the craft. If so, that’s totally fine. But, you at least tried. And if you enjoy it, then you can look forward to a life full of solving problems, providing value, and building cool things. Three birds, one stone.

